Falcon Heavy | GPS IIIF SV01

Launch information

Favourite Embed

Mission description

First Block IIIF GPS satellite

Launch status

Launch status information for space mission ‘Falcon Heavy | GPS IIIF SV01’.

Launch image Falcon Heavy | GPS IIIF SV01


Status: To Be Determined

Class: normal

Launch T0: Dec. 31, 2026, midnight

Timezone: America/New_York

Launch authority

Details about the the rocket, its target orbit and the launch pad location.






Falcon Heavy


Kennedy Space Center, FL, USA


Launch Complex 39A




Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)

Satellites on-board

Tracking of on-board satellites will be available after the rocket launch date (Dec. 31, 2026).

Launch statistics

Launch statistics will be available after the rocket launch date (Dec. 31, 2026).

Latest news about the launch

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