Falcon 9 Block 5 | Bandwagon 4 (Dedicated Mid-Inclination Rideshare)

Launch information

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Mission description

Dedicated rideshare flight to a mid-inclination orbit with dozens of small microsatellites and nanosatellites for commercial and government customers.

Launch status

Launch status information for space mission ‘Falcon 9 Block 5 | Bandwagon 4 (Dedicated Mid-Inclination Rideshare)’.

Launch image Falcon 9 Block 5 | Bandwagon 4 (Dedicated Mid-Inclination Rideshare)


Status: To Be Determined

Class: normal

Launch T0: May 31, 2025, midnight

Timezone: America/New_York

Launch authority

Details about the the rocket, its target orbit and the launch pad location.


Bandwagon 4 (Dedicated Mid-Inclination Rideshare) (LEO)




Falcon 9


Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA


Unknown Pad


Dedicated Rideshare


Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

Satellites on-board

Tracking of on-board satellites will be available after the rocket launch date (May 31, 2025).

Launch statistics

Launch statistics will be available after the rocket launch date (May 31, 2025).

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