Thor Agena A | Discoverer 4

Launch information

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Mission description

Discoverer 4 was the fourth in a series of reconnaissance satellites, however, it failed to reach orbit when the Agena engine underperformed and failed to place the capsule into orbit.

Launch status

Launch status information for space mission ‘Thor Agena A | Discoverer 4’.

Launch image Thor Agena A | Discoverer 4


Status: Launch Failure

Class: normal

Launch T0: June 25, 1959, 10:47 p.m.

Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

Launch authority

Details about the the rocket, its target orbit and the launch pad location.


Discoverer 4 (PO)


United States Air Force


Thor Agena A


Vandenberg SFB, CA, USA


Space Launch Complex 1E


Government/Top Secret


Polar Orbit (PO)

Satellites on-board

It seems no satellite can be associated to launch ‘Thor Agena A | Discoverer 4’, for now. Check back soon, we keep tracking more and more satellites every single day.

Launch statistics

Tracking key statistics for space mission ‘Thor Agena A | Discoverer 4’, classified in stats relative to the specific mission launch year or to all-time values.

Orbital Launch


To this date

Location Launch


To this date

Pad Launch


To this date

Agency Launch


To this date

Orbital Launch


Year 1959

Location Launch


Year 1959

Pad Launch


Year 1959

Agency Launch


Year 1959

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