Satellites Database

Access our complete catalog of space assets: satellites, rocket bodies or debris. Filter down the database to find any satellite you need. Export graphs or open detailed satellite information pages with all key orbital parameters and information.


Interactive satellite data charts

Objects launched in orbit per year

Includes payloads (i.e. satellites) but also rocket bodies and other debris. Zoom in and hover your mouse to read the data.

Orbital objects by size

Radar Cross Section (RCS) of objects in orbit, indicating their size.

Objects in space by type and status

An indication of objects still in orbit, and type of asset. Interact with the branches to move them around.

Deployment orbits

Insights on the most popular regions of space. An SSO orbit is a LEO orbit, but it is wortwhile isolating it due to its popularity.

Map of counties owning space objects

Zoom and move around the map, as well as hover your mouse to find more information about each country.

Filtered table of objects

List of all objects queried from database, according to your filter preferences. Sort the table by clicking on its headers, save satellites as favourites in your dashboard and access each detailed page with the green arrow.

Number Name Orbit Launch Type
4382 DFH-1 LEO April 24, 1970 PAYLOAD
4392 CZ-1 R/B LEO April 24, 1970 ROCKET BODY
4400 CZ-1 DEB LEO April 24, 1970 DEBRIS
5007 SJ-1 LEO March 3, 1971 PAYLOAD
5041 CZ-1 R/B LEO March 3, 1971 ROCKET BODY
8053 JSSW-1 LEO July 26, 1975 PAYLOAD
8054 CZ-2B R/B LEO July 26, 1975 ROCKET BODY
8452 FSW-0 1 LEO Nov. 26, 1975 PAYLOAD
8453 CZ-2C R/B LEO Nov. 26, 1975 ROCKET BODY
8454 CZ-2C DEB LEO Nov. 26, 1975 DEBRIS

Total items: 8410 | Page 1 of 841

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